MyChart - Login Page (2025)

New Hanover Regional Medical Center ("NHRMC") is pleased to offer you member information via a Web-based version of our computer systems called NHRMC MyChart.

To access NHRMC MyChart, you must agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of Use contained herein. You should carefully review the information contained in this Terms and Conditions statement and then indicate your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions for Use by checking the "I Agree" box.

We think it is important for you to know how we handle information we communicate via the Internet. This Terms & Conditions statement outlines our practices and our sensitivity to your right to privacy. Access to the NHRMC MyChart system is granted to users for the purpose of furthering their medical care. Use of the system unrelated to this purpose may result in the suspension or termination of access privileges. NHRMC reserves the right to revoke access at any time for any reason.

Response to Electronic Communication

NHRMC will make its best effort to provide a timely response to electronic inquiries. In some cases, the clinical staff that needs to respond to an electronic inquiry or other communication may not be immediately available so a patient should allow at least three (3) business days for a response. Accordingly, emergency situations requiring immediate attention should not be submitted electronically.

Furthermore, with respect to any electronic communications sent by the patient, we are only able to respond to such communications based on the information provided by the patient. If there is insufficient information provided, we will be unable to provide accurate and reliable services. Accordingly, patients should not use NHRMC MyChart as a substitute for the provision of medical treatment.

Medical Information

Information on NHRMC MyChart is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and is meant for use only to support the patient's relationship with their current or future medical provider(s). User reliance on the material in NHRMC MyChart is at your own risk. Please note the medical or healthcare information on NHRMC MyChart is not a replacement for proper medical attention. Contact your provider or 911 services immediately if you are suffering from urgent medical issues. The electronic record is the property of NHRMC and the information displayed in NHRMC MyChart may not be the complete medical record. Contact the Medical Records Department directly for official copies of your medical record or in regard to discrepancies with the information provided in your NHRMC MyChart account.

Web Site Links

NHRMC MyChart may offer links to related medical Web sites not managed by New Hanover Regional Medical Center. These Web site link(s) are for a patient's informational purposes only. NHRMC does not endorse and has not verified the accuracy of the information in/on these Web sites, and the patient should not rely on any of the information found on the Web sites for purposes of treatment or diagnosis.

Minor Eligibility

An individual must be age 12 or older to request a personal account. Parents or guardians of minor children may request access to the minor child's account by following the terms outlined in the "Proxy Access" section of this Terms and Conditions statement. To respect the spirit of NC law, and to preserve the confidentiality and improve the health of our teen patients, our goal is to make sure we deliver the activation code for this account directly to your teen. To do so, the teen must be able to provide a valid email address to receive their activation code.

Child Proxy Access

Individuals having authority may request proxy access to a minor's NHRMC MyChart account by completing the Child Proxy Form and submitting it to NHRMC. Such access will only be granted to parties with parental rights or legal guardianship over the NHRMC MyChart account holder and only to the extent that the party requesting proxy access can demonstrate the legal right to account holder's medical information. Under State and Federal law, there are certain types of medical information that the parent or guardian of a minor patient age 10 or older may not view without consent of the minor patient. Because of these requirements, the following age range limitations will apply for NHRMC MyChart child proxy access. These age range limitations do not affect any legal right you have to access your child's record by other means.

  • If your child is age 0-11: You will be granted full access to your child's NHRMC MyChart record.
  • If your child is age 12-17: You will be granted partial access to your child's record to view immunizations only.
  • Once your child reaches age 18, you will no longer have access to your child's NHRMC MyChart record.

If the proxy's legal relationship with the account holder changes, the proxy must inform NHRMC immediately by calling (910)667-7109, or sending written notice to New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Attention Director, Health Information Management, PO Box 9000, Wilmington, NC 28401. NHRMC reserves the right to revoke proxy access at any time for any reason.

E-mail Privacy

Patients who are users of NHRMC MyChart should be aware that they will be notified via e-mail when there is new medical information to be viewed on NHRMC MyChart. This means that any person with access to a patient's e-mail will be able to see this notification. This could include the patient's spouse, employer or anyone else that can access a patient's e-mail account. Although no private medical information will be sent, the notification that new medical information is available by accessing NHRMC MyChart may be information that a patient would not want others to know. Thus, patients should take this into account when providing an e-mail address.

Please know that if you send us an e-mail communication, it may be shared with the staff that are involved in your medical care. Confidential medical information on NHRMC MyChart will be accessible only to appropriate staff.

Security and Confidentiality

We afford the same degree of confidentiality to medical information stored on NHRMC MyChart as is given to medical information stored by NHRMC in any other medium. NHRMC is committed to protecting the confidentiality of your medical information. We limit NHRMC employees' access and ability to enter or view information based upon their role in your care. Firewalls, passwords, encryption, and audit trails are further used to safeguard your information. We shall identify the records released and note the time and date of access each time a patient accesses NHRMC MyChart. We have taken steps to make all information received from our online visitors as secure as possible against unauthorized access and use.

For other than general information viewing, NHRMC MyChart must be accessed with a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) compatible browser or terminal (Netscape or Internet Explorer versions 5.0 or greater). Our SSL web server uses authentication and offers the highest level of encryption technology commercially available (128-bit RC4).

You can tell when you are secure by looking at the location (URL) field. If the URL begins with https:// (instead of http://), the document comes from a secure server. This means your data cannot be read or deciphered by unauthorized individuals. You can tell whether you are truly connected to NHRMC by viewing the digital certificate. This certificate verifies the connection between the NHRMC server's public key and the server's identification.

NHRMC MyChart is configured to be secure from unauthorized access, but NHRMC cannot be held responsible for:

  1. Absolute security of all electronic communication transmissions between user and their provider(s);
  2. Unauthorized disclosure relating from a user not logging out of an active session;
  3. Unauthorized disclosure resulting from a lost or stolen user ID and password;
  4. Unauthorized disclosure resulting from information printed by the user from NHRMC MyChart;
  5. Unauthorized disclosure resulting from personal computer settings or installed software products that may compromise information security; or
  6. Similar events or circumstances outside the control of NHRMC

User names and passwords provide two layers of authentication and are stored in an encrypted database that is isolated from the Internet. As a NHRMC MyChart user, your role in maintaining the security of your medical information is: 1) Changing your password on a regular basis, and 2) Keeping your login ID and password confidential.

Other Terms

NHRMC shall not be liable for any damages suffered by the user or other third parties related to, directly or indirectly, the material and information contained in NHRMC MyChart or the use of the NHRMC MyChart system. In no event will NHRMC be liable to the user or any other person for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any type, even if informed of the possibility of such damages. NHRMC cannot guarantee access to the NHRMC MyChart system and is not liable for the user's inability to access or view information contained on the system. By downloading or view ing the information on NHRMC MyChart, the user agrees to hold NHRMC harmless and indemnify it against any damages, claims, or other costs or expenses arising out of, or in any way connected with, the user's utilization of NHRMC MyChart or the information contained therein. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the State of North Carolina and any dispute arising hereunder shall be submitted to mediation, in which event each party shall be solely responsible for its cost and expenses incurred in mediation and they shall share equally the fees and costs payable to the mediator.

These Terms and Conditions may be changed at any time in the discretion of NHRMC and updated Terms and Conditions will be posted on the NHRMC MyChart website for user access and review.

MyChart - Login Page (2025)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.