Maya Witters Controversies (2025)

1. Ep 2: Maya Witters - Former world cup judge on IFSC Controversies

  • 5 aug 2023 · Maya is an outspoken IFSC volunteer + judge currently living in Japan who has helped out with world cups in Edinburgh, Morioka, and Hachioji.

  • Maya is an outspoken IFSC volunteer + judge currently living in Japan who has helped out with world cups in Edinburgh, Morioka, and Hachioji. She has some great behind-the-scenes context into world cups, what team Japan is like behind the wall, and she has some spicy takes on the IFSC organization (even got blocked once by their social media)…Guest links: links:Japanese outdoor climbers Sachi Amma (@sachiamma) and team Rokdo (@rokdo_team)Timestamps of discussion topics0:00 - introduction4:16 - why she got into volunteering9:13 - how can other get involved in volunteering at world cups?15:51 - downgrading Yoshiyuki for stepping on a bolt18:02 - it’s not easy for Matt Groom22:37 - getting blocked by IFSC on social media25:17 - who is the IFSC?28:20 - the IFSC’s PR problem32:09 - has the Eurosport deal been positive?37:22 - full time athletes and money troubles41:28 - world cup prize money43:43 - why does team Japan’s make-up vary so much year to year48:04 - what makes team Japan so dominant?54:35 - addressing routesetter flack58:10 - how much experience do Japanese comp climbers have outdoors?1:02:02 - thoughts on Chaehyun’s skipped clip controversy1:08:39 - athlete quirks from isolation1:13:33 - favorite athletes?1:16:02 - English training for the Japanese youth team1:18:54 - where has Kai Harada been?1:20:07 - final thoughts, growing pains1:23:27 - outro

2. About - Maya Witters

  • Bevat niet: controversies | Resultaten tonen met:controversies

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3. That's Not Real Climbing Podcast Republic

4. Publications | Max Planck Institute

  • Verheijen, J., Tahata, S., Kozicz, T., Witters, P., & Morava, E. (2020). Therapeutic approaches in Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation (CDG) involving N- ...

  • Displaying 1101 - 1200 of 1213

5. Ep 29: Sofya Yokoyama - How Puberty and Eating Changes ...

  • 28 okt 2024 · ... controversy?48:19 - Climbing, puberty, and eating disorders54 ... Ep 2: Maya Witters - Former world cup judge on IFSC Controversies.

  • Sofya is a boulderer on team Switzerland and she’s part of the wave of OG climbing Youtubers! In this episode, she gives us a debrief on her last comp of the 2024 season in Prague, we get some insight into team Switzerland and their potential upcoming funding issues, and she opens up about her past struggles with disordered eating and how she overcame it.Join Patreon for a welcome gift, deleted scenes, and question priority: links:InstagramYoutubeReference links:Weight Vest VideoTraining AppLearn more about the podcast at www.thatsnotrealclimbingpodcast.comFollow on Instagram at the FREE community in Discord! Patreon for a welcome gift, deleted scenes, and question priority:, for a one time donation, buy me a "chalk bag": of discussion topics0:00 - Reflections on Prague WC6:05 - Climbing + Competing start7:58 - Worldwide childhood and origins of her accent10:52 - Boulderer getting into lead training?15:40 - The "no expectations" comp trick19:55 - Slab is the enemy22:10 - Being a short climber26:08 - Training schedule30:03 - Team Switzerland transformation31:42 - Swiss athlete funding35:23 - Money and YouTube41:41 - Behind the scenes of Youtube43:31 - Climbing with a weight vest controversy?48:19 - Climbing, puberty, and eating disorders54:47 - Bulki...

6. That's Not Real Climbing - Rss

  • ... Maya Witters - Former world cup judge on IFSC Controversies. Maya is an outspoken IFSC volunteer + judge currently living in Japan who has helped out with ...

  • A glimpse into everything behind world of competition climbing.

7. Cyclic GMP signaling in cardiomyocytes modulates fatty ...

  • While it is still controversial whether a shift in exogenous substrate selection from fatty acid to carbohydrates is a compensatory or maladaptive mechanism, ...

  • While the balance between carbohydrates and fatty acids for energy production appears to be crucial for cardiac homeostasis, much remains to be learned about the molecular mechanisms underlying this relationship. Given the reported benefits of cGMP ...

8. Compartmentalization, a key mechanism controlling the ... - NCBI

  • Maya-Bernal JL, Avila A, Ruiz-Gayosso A, Trejo-Fregoso R, Pulido N, Sosa ... Witters LA.. 2001. Post-translational modifications of the beta-1 subunit ...

  • This review discusses the SnRK1 signaling associated with different subcellular compartments and how this compartmentalization may contribute to the multitasking role of the SnRK1 complex. Keywords: Autophagy, plant cell, SnRK1 compartmentalization, ...

9. [PDF] Teaching the Evolution Controversy in Public Schools - CORE

  • ... Witters v. Wash. Dep't of Servs. for the Blind, 474 U.S. 481, 482. (1986) ... Nomi Maya Stolzenberg, "He Drew a Circle That Shut Me Out" Assimilation,.

10. [PDF] Genital Exceptionalism Has No Place in the Law: Improving Transgender ...

  • Maya Rhodan, Why Do We Have Men's and Women's Bathrooms Anyway?, TIME (May ... Dan Witters, U.S.. Uninsured Rate Rises to Four-Year High, GALLUP (Jan ...

11. Ep 30: Tom Greenall - Ex-GB Head Coach Facing Public Backlash

  • 11 nov 2024 · Ep 2: Maya Witters - Former world cup judge on IFSC Controversies · Boomplay Music 0. Ep 1: Niklas Wiechmann - What is REAL climbing? Setting ...

  • Tom is team GB’s ex-head coach! He personally coached Shauna Coxsey into getting her Tokyo Olympic ticket and has worked with the rest of team GB up until he left the national team earlier this year in April. In this episode, we'll learn about why he’s banned from the USA, the strategy for getting Shauna to qualify for the Olympics, and the politics and public backlash he faced working in the circuit that led to his eventual resignation.There is an EXTRA FULL-LENGTH EPISODE available with Tom on Patreon available to members only: links:InstagramEmailReference links:Wedge ClimbingJanja Unfiltered Period TalkLearn more about the podcast at www.thatsnotrealclimbingpodcast.comFollow on Instagram at the FREE community in Discord! Patreon for a welcome gift, deleted scenes, and question priority:, for a one time donation, buy me a "chalk bag": of discussion topics0:00 - Intro/Recovering from knee surgery5:49 - Starting climbing + competing + coaching10:20 - How he got BANNED from the USA13:18 - How to get into coaching now18:57 - Thoughts on Instagram coaching + current training philosophies25:50 - Coaching Shauna Coxsey into the Olympics34:15 - Why Team GB found such great form in 202437:12 - What makes Toby and Erin stand out from the rest39:12 - Differ...

Maya Witters Controversies (2025)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.